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F. R. I. E. N. D. (Fore-Runner Intercessors of End-times in New Delhi)

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Cancel Culture Vs the Culture of Honor

 Cancel Culture Vs the Culture of Honor

The Holy Spirit has been highlighting some pressing issues in God's heart and I felt encouraged to write about it here for your consideration.
The world is bleeding because of the "cancel culture" resulting in extreme polarisation. Even families have been divided severly over political and other sensitive issues. Friendships have been broken. We have removed people from our Facebook and Insta and we have got removed too becasue it became difficult to agree. "If you dont think like me we cannot be together. I will stop communicating with you and stop listening to you."
This is one of the potent weapon of the Devil to create chaos and hate and fracture. What is worse the Church has bought into this lies of cancelling each other. If you dont talk, act, behave like me and focus on thigns that I focus, then you must be wrong and I should avoid (cancel?) you. This strategy of the devil and our propensity to give in is directly against one of God's most important plan and purpose to unite the Church. Division is a form of war and takes away a peace. Unity is the end of that war and results in return of peace. In the context of division in the Churhc Apostle Paul said: The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. (Rom 16:17-20)
The united Chruch will be so beautiful and glorious that the world will recognize Jesus in this and will desire Him as the One sent by God ushering in the Great Harvest of some billion souls to the Kingdom. Out Triune God--the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit so love and honor each other and it manifests a measure of glory we as Church have very little understanding about. Jesus invites us to be partaker of this glory in the context of love and unity among the Trinity and the same love and extended to human family--the believers. About this God with God, God with Man, and Man with Man unity Jesus said: that they all may be one, as You, Father are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. (John 17:20-24)
God is working at this moment of history to unite the Church, the global body of Christ. He is even using our locked down conditions and inability to meet freely and helplessness to navigate the present crises as a level playing field. Cause no has the complete answer. He is making us seek out each other through zoom meetings etc beyond our congregational, denominational, doctrinal and even geographical boundaries-- with a spirit of humility. He is uniting us. This is not unity in uniformity but unity in diversity. Is that even possible?
Yes unity in diversity is possible in a culture of honor, in considering the one who is different from me not as worse than me, but as better than me. It is possible by listening to get the values that are so dear to my brother which are not yet my values.
"Culture of honor" is the antidote against the "cancel culture" which is worse than any pandemic. When the global body of Christ embraces culture of honor than the world will see and desire to be united with those that are different.
The Holy Spirit is highlighting how imporant this is for the hour we are living in. We are invited to this glorious plan of God that will become a reality. Thank you Lord Jesus.

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